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Connection with nature

Portugal Students Prize

Vote for your favourite artwork below to help crown The Public Vote Prize Winner! The artist with the most votes will receive €300, and their school will be awarded €800. Voting closes on 15 December.


All artworks are available for online bidding; click below to bid now and support these talented artists!



Kristina Mansfield Torcato
É Força Revolucionária!  image
É Força Revolucionária!
Camila Carvalho
Entre outros bilhões image
Entre outros bilhões
Carina Duarte
Tempo image
Joseph King
Inaudita e Estranha Beleza  image
Inaudita e Estranha Beleza
Rúben Manuelito
Abstractionism image
Catarina João
Agora Que Já Fluriu image
Agora Que Já Fluriu
Jenifer Ferreira
Apenas eu  image
Apenas eu
Mafalda Conceição
Audrey Hepburn image
Audrey Hepburn
Fabiana Garcia
Autorretrato image
Helena Apolónio
Autorretrato Digital image
Autorretrato Digital
Mariana Gonçalves
Cemetery of the fallen  image
Cemetery of the fallen
Leonor Apolinário
Doce Infância image
Doce Infância
Joana Donaldo
Grafitti o meu poder  image
Grafitti o meu poder
Madalena Ferreira
Mulheres image
Letícia Silva
O lado obscuro de um sonho image
O lado obscuro de um sonho
Letícia Novo Alves
O peso da liberdade image
O peso da liberdade
Marta Lourenço
Olhar image
Judges Prize Winner
Maria Pires
Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho - o Homem que sonhou um país livre  image
Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho – o Homem que sonhou um país livre
Inês Galhano
oUt oF mY HEad  image
oUt oF mY HEad
Grace King
Retrato de Irmão  image
Retrato de Irmão
Emma Watgen
Psyche image
Flori Valinho
Salgueiro Maia - O Herói da Revolução do 25 de abril.  image
Salgueiro Maia – O Herói da Revolução do 25 de abril.
Inês Miranda
Sussurros de uma imensidão  image
Sussurros de uma imensidão
Cácio Pinto
Um copo partido image
Um copo partido
Patrícia Morais
Um simples olhar image
Um simples olhar
Beatriz Costa
Uma canção…um grito de Liberdade! image
Uma canção…um grito de Liberdade!
Tiago Simão
Uma Guerra image
Uma Guerra
Diana Tashkulova
Warsaw image
Vasco Carreira
Zéca Afonso image
Zéca Afonso
Carolina Duarte
Skapinakis no 25 de Abril em Lisboa  image
Skapinakis no 25 de Abril em Lisboa
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01 / 30

Kristina Mansfield Torcato

É Força Revolucionária!  image

Kristina Mansfield Torcato

É Força Revolucionária!
School: Escola Secundária de Silves
Dimension: 65 x 50cm
Medium: Tinta acrílica, tinta-da-china e pastel de óleo sobre papel / Acrylic paint, ink and oil pastel on paper
Age: 17

Imagem-cartaz, comemorações dos 50 anos do 25 de Abril em Portugal. 

Poster image, celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April in Portugal. 

02 / 30

Camila Carvalho

Entre outros bilhões image

Camila Carvalho

Entre outros bilhões
School: Escola secundária José Estêvão
Dimension: 16.8 x 4.8 x 3.3cm
Medium: Madeira e tinta acrílica / Wood and acrylic paint
Age: 17

A partir de reaproveitamentos de madeira, com cortes e lixas, moldaram-se as curvas e com uma pincelada de tinta pintaram-se as expressões. Assim criou-se alguém ‘Entre outros bilhões’. Foi esta a proposta dada aos alunos, criar uma boneca através de um material tão simples e natural quanto a madeira, utilizando ferramentas como a mesa de corte, lixadeira, etc para moldar a nossa boneca dando um acabamento suave, com uma lixa e pintando a boneca com tinta acrílica para lhe dar vida com cor. Assim nós alunos, constatámos observamos que arte não são só telas coloridas. Existem vários materiais à nossa disposição que eventualmente se podem eventualmente se transformar em arte. E foi com este conceito de arte e esta proposta de trabalho que me surgiu o nome ‘Entre outros bilhões’ retratando, não só, as inúmeras e mesmo assim únicas bonecas criadas mas também os materiais que poderiam ter sido usados. 

From re-used wood, with cuts and sandpaper, the curves were shaped and with a stroke of paint the expressions were painted. Thus, someone was created ‘Among other billions’. This was the proposal given to the students, to create a doll using a material as simple and natural as wood, using tools such as a cutting table, sander, etc. to shape our doll, giving it a smooth finish, using sandpaper and painting the doll with acrylic paint to bring it to life with color. So, we students realized that art is not just colorful canvases. There are several materials at our disposal that can eventually become art. And it was with this art concept and this work proposal that the name ‘Among other billions’ came to me, portraying not only the countless and yet unique dolls created but also the materials that could have been used. 

03 / 30

Carina Duarte

Tempo image

Carina Duarte

School: Escola básica e secundária Dr Solano de Abreu
Dimension: 29.7 x 42cm
Medium: Desenho em grafite e carvão / Drawing with graphite pencil and charcoal
Age: 17

‘Tempo’ é um desenho em grafite e carvão que retrata mãos expressivas com detalhes realistas de pele e veias, simbolizando a passagem do tempo e a experiência. 

‘Time’ is a graphite and charcoal drawing that depicts expressive hands with realistic details of skin and veins, symbolizing the passage of time and experience. 

04 / 30

Joseph King

Inaudita e Estranha Beleza  image

Joseph King

Inaudita e Estranha Beleza
School: Oporto British School
Dimension: 105 x 75cm
Medium: Óleo em tela / Oil on canvas
Age: 17

Inspirado no movimento artístico “Os Nabis”, e levando a peito a sua mais destacada doutrina: “pessoas e objectos familiares adquirem significado com o tempo”, este trabalho centra-se na relação do indivíduo com a sua própria casa, exaltando a mundaneidade nesse processo. 

Inspired by the artistic movement “Os Nabis”, and taking seriously its most prominent doctrine: “people and familiar objects acquire meaning over time”, this work focuses on the individual’s relationship with their own home, exalting worldliness in this process.

05 / 30

Rúben Manuelito

Abstractionism image

Rúben Manuelito

School: Escola Secundária Cacilhas-Tejo
Dimension: 29.7 x 42cm
Medium: Adobe Illustrator
Age: 17

Arte realizada para um projeto de Design Gráfico de Comunicação. 

Artwork made for a Graphic Design of Communication project. 

06 / 30

Catarina João

Agora Que Já Fluriu image

Catarina João

Agora Que Já Fluriu
School: Escola Secundária de Silves
Dimension: 65 x 50cm
Medium: Tinta acrílica e têmpera sobre papel / Acrylic and tempera paint on paper
Age: 17

Imagem-cartaz, comemorações dos 50 anos do 25 de Abril em Portugal. 

Poster image, celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April in Portugal. 

07 / 30

Jenifer Ferreira

Apenas eu  image

Jenifer Ferreira

Apenas eu
School: Escola Secundária Cacilhas Tejo
Dimension: 42 x 29.7cm
Medium: Arte em Adobe Ilustrator, pintura / Art from Adobe Illustrator, painting
Age: 17

Autorretrato baseado em um movimento artístico, surrealismo. Inspirado na obra de Salvador Dali, ‘Nascimento de uma Divindade’ (1960). 

Self-portrait based on an artistic movement, surrealism. Inspired by Salvador Dali’s ‘Birth of a Divinity’ (1960). 

08 / 30

Mafalda Conceição

Audrey Hepburn image

Mafalda Conceição

Audrey Hepburn
School: Colégio Valsassina
Dimension: 59 x 49cm
Medium: Caneta preta de feltro e cartolinas coloridas / Black felt tip pen and coloured card
Age: 18

A obra é um retrato da atriz Audrey Hepburn, inspirado no movimento artístico da Pop Art, principalmente nas obras de Andy Warhol. 

The work is a portrait of actress Audrey Hepburn, inspired by the Pop Art artistic movement, mainly by the works of Andy Warhol. 

09 / 30

Fabiana Garcia

Autorretrato image

Fabiana Garcia

School: Escola Secundária Dra. Laura Ayres
Dimension: 29.5 x 42cm
Medium: Pastel de Óleo sobre papel/ Oil pastel on paper
Age: 16

Autorretrato a pastel de óleo de uma menina com olhar contemplando o infinito de forma serena e esperançosa no futuro. 

Self-portrait in oil pastel of a girl with a gaze contemplating the infinite in a serene and hopeful way for the future. 

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Helena Apolónio

Autorretrato Digital image

Helena Apolónio

Autorretrato Digital
School: Escola Secundária de Cacilhas-Tejo
Dimension: 29 x 42cm
Medium: Adobe Illustrator com wacom / Adobe Illustrator with wacom
Age: 17

Projeto inspirado num movimento artístico feito digitalmente. 

Project inspired by an artistic movement made digitally. 

11 / 30

Mariana Gonçalves

Cemetery of the fallen  image

Mariana Gonçalves

Cemetery of the fallen
School: Escola Secundária Dr.Laura Ayres
Dimension: 42 x 29.5cm
Medium: Pastel de Óleo sobre papel / Oil pastel on paper
Age: 17

O cemitério é composto por espadas espetadas no chão, relíquias de batalhas há muito esquecidas, este cemitério é uma homenagem aos mais valentes guerreiros que não sobreviveram às suas mais duras batalhas. Cada espada conta uma história de sacrifício e bravura. Ao centro destaca-se uma espada solitária, com dois corvos negros pousados ​​no punho. Os seus olhos penetrantes vigiam silenciosamente o cemitério, como guardiões das almas perdidas. Este lugar de descanso eterno é onde o passado e o presente se encontram e onde o silêncio é quebrado apenas pelo bater ocasional de asas. 

The cemetery is made up of swords stuck in the ground, relics of long forgotten battles, this cemetery is a tribute to the bravest warriors who did not survive their toughest battles. Each sword tells a story of sacrifice and bravery. In the center, a solitary sword stands out, with two black crows perched on its hilt. Their piercing eyes silently watch over the cemetery, like guardians of lost souls. This place of eternal rest is where the past and present meet and where the silence is broken only by the occasional flapping of wings. 

12 / 30

Leonor Apolinário

Doce Infância image

Leonor Apolinário

Doce Infância
School: Escola Secundária José Estêvão
Dimension: 62 x 42.5cm
Medium: Colagem com tecido (ganga) / Colage with material (denim)
Age: 18

Doce Infância’, a expressão que tantas vezes usamos para nos referirmos a um tempo em que o mundo parecia pintado com outras cores. Ser criança é algo que vai para sempre ter uma certa magia: temos um mundo inteiro para explorar porque sabemos tão pouco, e ao mesmo tempo temos tanto para oferecer e ensinar. Quando somos pequenos tudo parece simples, ou melhor dizendo, tudo é visto com outros olhos, quase como se à medida que crescemos fossemos mudando de lentes e vendo o mundo em redor de forma diferente. Um olhar de criança não mente, um olhar de criança diz tudo o que há para dizer. Foi este olhar que quis captar com este trabalho. Quando a proposta de fazer um trabalho reutilizando gangas antigas surgiu em sala de aula, não tive dúvidas naquilo que queria representar. Assim, surgiu este trabalho que pretende transmitir uma expressão profunda e genuína. 

Sweet Childhood’, the expression we use so often to refer to a time when the world seemed painted in other colors. Being a child is something that will always have a certain magic: we have a whole world to explore because we know so little, and at the same time we have so much to offer and teach. When we are little, everything seems simple, or better said, everything is seen through different eyes, almost as if as we grow we change lenses and see the world around us differently. A child’s look doesn’t lie, a child’s look says everything there is to say. It was this look that I wanted to capture with this work. When the proposal to do a project using old jeans came up in the classroom, I had no doubts about what I wanted to represent. Thus, this work emerged, which aims to convey a deep and genuine expression. 

13 / 30

Joana Donaldo

Grafitti o meu poder  image

Joana Donaldo

Grafitti o meu poder
School: Casa Pia de Lisboa – CED D.ª Maria Pia
Dimension: 60 x 60cm
Medium: Pintura em tela com tinta acrílica e lápis pastel, de cor, de carvão, canetas, marcadores. Papel e cola / Painting on canvas with acrylic paint, coloured pastels, charcoal, pens and markers. Paper and glue
Age: 16

Porquê? Porquê que eu não posso voar?! Com o grafite irei representar a minha liberdade de expressão pois a minha união é uma denúncia para o racismo. Já esses ‘papeis’ que me dão irei fazer de jornal, pela sociedade serei censurada mas mostrarei sempre a verdade. 

Why? Why can’t I fly?! With graffiti I will represent my freedom of expression because my union is a denunciation of racism. As for these ‘papers’ that they give me, I will act as a newspaper, by society I will be censored but I will always show the truth. 

14 / 30

Madalena Ferreira

Mulheres image

Madalena Ferreira

School: Escola Básica e Secundária Fernão do Pó
Dimension: 59 x 42cm
Medium: Carvão sobre papel/ Charcoal on paper
Age: 17

Da ruralidade do campo às grandes cidades, a condição da mulher portuguesa parece retroceder… 

From rural areas to big cities, the condition of the Portuguese women seems to be regressing… 

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Letícia Silva

O lado obscuro de um sonho image

Letícia Silva

O lado obscuro de um sonho
School: Escola Secundária de Felgueiras
Dimension: 70 x 50cm
Medium: Acrílico e colagem de massa modelar / Acrylic and gluing modeling clay
Age: 17

O quadro pode ser interpretado de várias maneiras, mas nossa interpretação sugere que a mulher representa a luta entre a escuridão dos sonhos e o despertar para a realidade. A rosa vermelha simboliza amor e paixão, lembrando a beleza existente mesmo diante do medo. O palhaço com dentes grandes representa o lado negro dos sonhos, os pesadelos assustadores. A mulher, com olhar desafiante e uma rosa entre os dentes, simboliza determinação para superar os medos e encontrar beleza e esperança dentro de si. Seus olhos abertos indicam consciência e um despertar do sonho. Em geral, o quadro retrata a condição humana de enfrentar desafios e escuridão com resiliência, com a rosa vermelha simbolizando esperança e beleza. A arte é subjetiva e aberta à interpretação, e esta é apenas uma visão. O que tu vês quando olha para ele? 

The painting can be interpreted in many ways, but our interpretation suggests that the woman represents the struggle between the darkness of dreams and awakening to reality. The red rose symbolizes love and passion, reminding us of the beauty that exists even in the face of fear. The clown with big teeth represents the dark side of dreams, the scary nightmares. The woman, with a defiant look and a rose between her teeth, symbolizes determination to overcome fears and find beauty and hope within herself. Her open eyes indicate awareness and an awakening from the dream. Overall, the painting depicts the human condition of facing challenges and darkness with resilience, with the red rose symbolizing hope and beauty. Art is subjective and open to interpretation, and this is just one view. What do you see when you look at it? 

16 / 30

Letícia Novo Alves

O peso da liberdade image

Letícia Novo Alves

O peso da liberdade
School: Escola secundária D.Afonso Sanches
Dimension: 100 x 80cm
Medium: Pintura em tela com o uso de tinta a óleo / Painting on canvas with oil paints
Age: 17

O projeto fala sobre o peso da liberdade nas nossas vidas e a velocidade que as tiram de nós. Em primeiro plano retratei uma mãe a sofrer após a morte do seu filho enquanto ele lutava pela liberdade, a sua irmã, retratada de branco, acaba por encarar a situacao e acaba por perder a sua inocência no processo. A gaivota que também é destacada representa o facto da nossa liberdade estar por um fio e temos de cuidar da sua frágil existência (ovo) para ela durar. Criei esta obra a pensar nos 50 anos do 25 de abril e nas guerras injustas e tão atuais do mundo, onde muitas familias, como a retratada, perdem quem mais amam, pelo grande peso da liberdade. 

The project talks about the weight of freedom in our lives and the speed at which it is taken away from us. In the foreground I portrayed a mother suffering after the death of her son while he was fighting for freedom, his sister, portrayed in white, ends up facing the situation and ends up losing her innocence in the process. The seagull that is also highlighted represents the fact that our freedom is hanging by a thread and we have to take care of its fragile existence (egg) for it to last. I created this work thinking about the 50 years since April 25th and the unfair and current wars in the world, where many families, like the one portrayed, lose the ones they love most, due to the great weight of freedom. 

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Marta Lourenço

Olhar image

Marta Lourenço

School: Escola Secundária Alves Martins
Dimension: 59 x 41cm
Medium: Pintura a tinta guache sobre papel aguarela (A2), e pincéis de variados tamanhos / Painting in gouache paint on watercolor paper (A2), and brushes of different sizes
Age: 17

A pintura ‘Olhar’ é uma apropriação da técnica do pintor e fotógrafo norte-americana Chuck Close. O olhar de Maryam diz muito… um olhar que deveria refletir sonhos e felicidade, agora espelha incerteza e pavor… o seu brilho infantil foi-se desvanecendo… e a sua infância perdendo… A guerra é uma escolha daqueles que não lutarão nela! 

The painting ‘Olhar’ is an appropriation of the technique of the American painter and photographer Chuck Close. Maryam’s look says a lot… a look that should reflect dreams and happiness, now reflects uncertainty and dread… her childish shine is fading… and her childhood lost… War is a choice of those who will not fight in it! 

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Maria Pires

Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho - o Homem que sonhou um país livre  image

Maria Pires

Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho – o Homem que sonhou um país livre
School: Escola Secundária de Porto de Mós
Dimension: 50 x 65cm
Medium: Pastel seco sobre cartolina / Dry pastel on card
Age: 17

Trabalho que retrata Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho, o Major que sonhou com a revolução de 25 de abril, no âmbito das comemorações dos 50 anos da Revolução dos Cravos (movimento que devolveu a democracia a Portugal). 

Work that portrays Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho, the Major who dreamed of the April 25th revolution, as part of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution (the movement that returned democracy to Portugal). 

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Inês Galhano

oUt oF mY HEad  image

Inês Galhano

oUt oF mY HEad
School: Escola secundária da Sé; Guarda
Dimension: 40 x 29.7cm
Medium: Aguarela sobre papel/ Watercolour on paper
Age: 17

Realizei esta obra inspirada num dos meus músicos e youtubers favoritos, o Wuant. O título que atribuí a esta obra remete para uma das suas músicas. 

I created this work inspired by one of my favorite musicians and YouTubers, Wuant. The title I gave to this work refers to one of his songs. 

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Grace King

Retrato de Irmão  image

Grace King

Retrato de Irmão
School: Oporto British School
Dimension: 21 x 29.7cm
Medium: Lápis de tons sobre papel / Tonal pencils on paper
Age: 15

Subordinado ao tema “No Limite”, este trabalho é um desenho foto realista do meu irmão cuja cabeça repousa sobre a beira de uma mesa; o objetivo desta obra foi não só explorar o tema da luz e da sombra no retrato, mas também experimentar técnicas e materiais que permitissem realçar essa temática. 

Under the theme “On the Edge”, this work is a photorealistic drawing of my brother whose head rests on the edge of a table; The objective of this work was not only to explore the theme of light and shadow in portraiture, but also to experiment with techniques and materials that would allow this theme to be highlighted. 

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Emma Watgen

Psyche image

Emma Watgen

School: Escola Secundária Infanta D.Maria
Dimension: 60 x 40cm
Medium: Óleo em tela/ Oil on canvas
Age: 18

Pintura de óleo em tela inspirado no mito da deusa Psique. 

Oil painting on canvas inspired by the myth of the goddess Psyche. 

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Flori Valinho

Salgueiro Maia - O Herói da Revolução do 25 de abril.  image

Flori Valinho

Salgueiro Maia – O Herói da Revolução do 25 de abril.
School: Escola Secundária de Porto de Mós
Dimension: 50 x 65cm
Medium: Grafite sobre cartolina / Graphite on card
Age: 17

Trabalho que retrata Salgueiro Maia – O Herói da Revolução do 25 de abril, no âmbito das comemorações dos 50 anos da Revolução de abril (movimento que devolveu a democracia a Portugal). 

Work that portrays Salgueiro Maia – The Hero of the April 25th Revolution, as part of the celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the April Revolution (the movement that returned democracy to Portugal). 

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Inês Miranda

Sussurros de uma imensidão  image

Inês Miranda

Sussurros de uma imensidão
School: Escola básica e secundária Dr. Serafim Leite
Dimension: 21 x 14.8cm
Medium: Caneta de ponta fina sobre papel / Fine tip pen on paper
Age: 16

É retratada na imensidão do cume do monte, uma arvore idosa mas firme, que se estende para os limites do monte. As suas folhas trazem nos um certo calor que nos faz sentir em paz, e harmonia com toda a paisagem. Apesar de solitária, esta árvore não parece sozinha. 

It is portrayed on the immensity of the mountain top, an old but firm tree, which extends to the limits of the mountain. Its leaves bring us a certain warmth that makes us feel at peace and in harmony with the entire landscape. Despite being lonely, this tree does not seem alone. 

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Cácio Pinto

Um copo partido image

Cácio Pinto

Um copo partido
School: Escola Secundária de Vila Real de Santo António
Dimension: 29.7 x 42cm
Medium: Lápis de cor, papel A3 / Coloured pencils, A3 paper
Age: 16

Autorretrato inspirado na época do renascimento. 

Self-portrait inspired by the Renaissance 

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Patrícia Morais

Um simples olhar image

Patrícia Morais

Um simples olhar
School: Escola secundária José Estevão Aveiro
Dimension: 29.7 x 42cm
Medium: Colagem com gangas/ Collage with denim
Age: 18

Foi a partir de um elemento do nosso ser que foi realizado um marcante trabalho, “Um simples olhar”. Este projeto tinha como objetivo desafiar os alunos a testarem novas técnicas, ‘juntando o útil ao agradável’. A utilização da ganga conseguiu passar uma mensagem a nós, alunos, que se pode fazer ‘arte’ sem grandes custos, através da reutilização de materiais. E foi aí que começámos a acreditar que, se possível, tudo pode ser aproveitado e reutilizado para se tornar arte. O objetivo, era através das tonalidades da ganga, conseguir transmitir a tridimensionalidade, bem como a expressão e ‘força’ de uma imagem. Cada trabalho foi desempenhado por um aluno sendo da minha responsabilidade a imagem a utilizar. A imagem em questão, quando é observada, representa apenas ‘um simples olhar’, mas esse olhar transmite-nos muitíssimo mais que isso. Um olhar reflete o que nós sentimos, reflete muitas vezes o que não conseguimos expressar. 

It was from an element of our being that a remarkable work was created, “A simple look”. This project aimed to challenge students to test new techniques, ‘combining the useful with the pleasant’. The use of denim managed to send a message to us, students, that ‘art’ can be created without much cost, by reusing materials. And that’s when we started to believe that, if possible, everything can be used and reused to become art. The objective was, through the tones of the jeans, to be able to transmit the three-dimensionality, as well as the expression and ‘strength’ of an image. Each work was carried out by a student and I was responsible for the image to be used. The image in question, when observed, represents just ‘a simple look’, but that look tells us much more than that. A look reflects what we feel, often reflecting what we cannot express. 

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Beatriz Costa

Uma canção…um grito de Liberdade! image

Beatriz Costa

Uma canção…um grito de Liberdade!
School: Escola Secundária de Porto de Mós
Dimension: 50 x 65cm
Medium: Grafite sobre cartolina / Grafite on card
Age: 18

Um desenho inspirado num cantor de intervenção – Zeca Afonso – que através da sua música deu a segunda senha, para que as tropas iniciassem o movimento que deu origem à Revolução do 25 de abril. Este trabalho foi criado no âmbito das comemorações dos cinquenta anos da queda do Antigo Regime em Portugal. 

A design inspired by an intervention singer – Zeca Afonso – who, through his music, gave the second password for the troops to begin the movement that gave rise to the April 25th Revolution. This work was created as part of the celebrations of the fifty years since the fall of the Old Regime in Portugal. 

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Tiago Simão

Uma Guerra image

Tiago Simão

Uma Guerra
School: Escola Básica e Secundária Fernão do Pó
Dimension: 29 x 21cm
Medium: Tinta da china sobre papel / China ink on paper
Age: 18

Num mundo esquecido, abandonado e devastado por guerra e morte, a humanidade adapta-se? 

In a forgotten world, abandoned and ravaged by war and death, can humanity adapt? 

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Diana Tashkulova

Warsaw image

Diana Tashkulova

School: Agrupamento de Escolas José Estêvão
Dimension: 40 x 72cm
Medium: Desenho com caneta de ponta fina / Drawing using fine tip pen
Age: 18

Desenho detalhado da arquitetura de Varsóvia. 

Detailed drawing of Warsaw’s architecture.

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Vasco Carreira

Zéca Afonso image

Vasco Carreira

Zéca Afonso
School: Escola Secundária de Fafe
Dimension: 29 x 42cm
Medium: Caneta de ponta fina sobre papel / Fine tip pen on paper
Age: 17

Retrato do Musico José Afonso com técnica de pontilhismo. 

Portrait of the musician José Afonso with pointillism technique. 

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Carolina Duarte

Skapinakis no 25 de Abril em Lisboa  image

Carolina Duarte

Skapinakis no 25 de Abril em Lisboa
School: Escola Secundária de Silves
Dimension: 65 x 50cm
Medium: Tinta acrílica e papel de impressão colado sobre papel / Acrylic paint and printing paper glued to paper
Age: 18

Imagem-cartaz, comemorações dos 50 anos do 25 de Abril em Portugal. 

Poster image, celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April in Portugal. 

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Events and Exhibitions

HF Venue
The Portugal Students Prize Finalists Exhibition

Venue: Howards Folly, Estremoz
Dates: TBC
Admission: Free


SNBA Venue
The Portugal Students Prize Finalists Exhibition

Venue: SNBA, Lisbon
Dates: 26 November – 14 December
Admission: Free

Quarta Feira Key Dates mobile image

Key Dates

Submission Period

15 May — 17 June

Shortlist Announcement

— July

Finalists Exhibition

Howard’s Folly, Estremoz – 31st August – 31st October | Sociedade Nacional das Belas Artes, Lisbon – 26 November – 14 December

Awards Ceremony



Howard Bilton image
Howard Bilton
Founder and Chairman  
Howard Bilton image

Howard Bilton

Founder and Chairman  

Howard Bilton, a British-born entrepreneur and barrister, has made a multifaceted impact on tax advisory services, philanthropy, and the wine industry in Portugal and beyond. His ventures reflect a unique blend of business acumen and social responsibility, creating a lasting legacy in each sector he touches. 


As the chairman and founder of The Sovereign Group, Bilton has significantly influenced the tax landscape, particularly for expatriates and international businesses. The Group provides comprehensive tax planning and wealth management services, which help clients navigate complex tax systems. By doing so, it supports individuals and companies to optimize their tax positions within the legal framework, fostering an environment that is conducive to foreign investment and economic growth in Portugal. 


In the realm of charity, Bilton’s establishment of The Sovereign Art Foundation has made a notable impact on the local and international art scenes. The foundation not only recognizes and supports artists through awards and exhibitions but also raises substantial funds for charitable causes. A significant portion of its work is dedicated to using art as a medium for educational and healing purposes, particularly for disadvantaged children. Through these initiatives, Bilton has harnessed the power of art to make a tangible difference in the lives of many, providing both cultural enrichment and social support. 


With Howard’s Folly, Bilton has ventured into the wine industry, intertwining the worlds of oenology and art. The winery is known for producing high-quality wines that reflect the rich terroir of Portugal, contributing to the country’s reputation as a producer of fine wines. Beyond the production, Howard’s Folly serves as a cultural destination, hosting art exhibitions and events that attract visitors from around the world. This unique concept not only promotes Portuguese wine but also elevates the cultural experience of wine tasting, setting a precedent for how wineries can engage with the arts. 

Overall Impact

Howard Bilton’s impact in the fields of tax, charity, and wine is characterized by a forward-thinking approach that leverages professional expertise to foster cultural and social development. By integrating his business endeavors with philanthropic goals, Bilton has shown that commercial success can go hand-in-hand with making a positive social contribution. His efforts have provided a model for sustainable development, showcasing how individual dedication to professional excellence and social responsibility can lead to broad and beneficial societal impacts. 


João Pena image
João Pena
João Pena image

João Pena


Natural de São Bento do Cortiço, concelho de Estremoz, João Carlos Travassos Pena, de 44 anos deu os primeiros passos nas artes na sua formação em cerâmica artística entre 1995 e 1998.

Pintor autodidata, com trabalhos em coleções privadas um pouco por todo o mundo, o artista já percorreu um longo caminho, depois da sua primeira mostra coletiva em 1996, no Museu Municipal de Estremoz, a convite do Professor Joaquim Vermelho.

Em 2008 realizou a sua primeira exposição individual de pintura contemporânea – sala exposições da Quinta do Carmo / Bacalhoa – Glória/Estremoz.

No início de 2020 foi convidado a fazer parte de um grupo de artistas a nível internacional para ilustrar com as suas pinturas o livro de poesia do escritor Canadiano Earl Large,” Living Large”.

No ano de 2021 a convite do gabinete da cultura da Câmara Municipal de Estremoz expos alguns dos seus últimos trabalhos dedicados as paisagens Alentejanas – Casa de Estremoz / Posto de Turismo com o título de “Horizontes Verticais”.

“Multiplus” foi o título escolhido para a exposição que efetuou na Galeria Howard`s Folly em Estremoz em 2022, um misto de estilos e técnicas que tem aprofundado nos últimos anos.

“Oito ou Oitenta” foi a última exposição individual no Salão Rosa do Hotel Marmoris em Vila Viçosa, a mais recente mostra, realizou-se com a participação na Bienal BIALE 2023 em Estremoz.

As obras do artista pode ser visualizadas virtualmente na sua pagina de Facebook em (https//ão.pena.50596).

Born in São Bento do Cortiço, Estremoz municipality, João Carlos Travassos Pena, aged 44, took his first steps in the arts through his training in artistic ceramics between 1995 and 1998.

A self-taught painter, with work in private collections all over the world, the artist has come a long way, after his first group exhibition in 1996, at the Municipal Museum of Estremoz, at the invitation of Professor Joaquim Vermelho.

In 2008, he held his first individual exhibition of contemporary painting – in the exhibition room at Quinta do Carmo / Bacalhoa – Glória/Estremoz.In early 2020 he was invited to be part of a group of artists at an international level to illustrate with his paintings the poetry book of the Canadian writer Earl Large, “Living Large”.In 2021, at the invitation of the cultural office of the Municipality of Estremoz, he exhibited some of his latest works dedicated to the Alentejo landscapes – Casa de Estremoz / Tourist Office with the title “Vertical Horizons”.“Multiplus” was the title chosen for the exhibition that took place at the Howard`s Folly Gallery in Estremoz in 2022, a mix of styles and techniques that has deepened in recent years.“Oito ou Oitenta” was the last individual exhibition at the Salão Rosa of the Hotel Marmoris in Vila Viçosa, the most recent exhibition took place with the participation in the BIALE 2023 Biennial in Estremoz.The artist’s works can be viewed virtually on his Facebook page at (https//ão.pena.50596).


Nigel Anteney-Hoare image
Nigel Anteney-Hoare
Former managing director of Sovereign Portugal
Nigel Anteney-Hoare image

Nigel Anteney-Hoare

Former managing director of Sovereign Portugal

Nigel foi o Director-Geral da Sovereign em Portugal entre 1990-2016 e continua como diretor não executivo. Tem, desde sempre, um acentuado interesse pela Arte, visitando regularmente galerias e exposições por todo o mundo. Aprecia todas as formas de arte, desde o abstrato até o mais tradicional, particularmente a Arte Renascentista. Nigel tem sido um Jurí em todos os nossos Prémios para estudantes e fica sempre impressionado com a alta qualidade das obras dos concorrentes ao longo dos anos.   

Nigel was the managing director of Sovereign in Portugal between 1990 – 2016 and continues as an non executive director. He has had a long term interest in art, regularly visiting galleries and exhibitions around the world.  He enjoys all forms of artwork from abstract to the more traditional and is particularly fond of the renaissance period.    Nigel has been a judge on every Portugal Students Prize and is continuously impressed at the high standard of submissions over the years. 


Samar Singh Jodha image
Samar Singh Jodha
Samar Singh Jodha image

Samar Singh Jodha


Samar Singh Jodha is a photographer and artist. During his professional career Samar has been commissioned by the likes of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, BBC World Service Trust and the United Nations and his work has been published and broadcasted by Nat Geo and Discovery Channel, Samar travels over 300 days a year, dividing his time between personal and community projects, including doing photography workshops with children in conflict.

Carlos Goudinho image
Carlos Goudinho
Carlos Goudinho image

Carlos Goudinho

Born in S. Lourenço de Mamporcão (Estremoz), he dedicated part of his time to painting posters and catalogues, illustrating book covers and a good number of journalistic and radio collaborations. Graduated in Teaching in the Visual Education variant, from the Escola Superior de Educação de Portalegre (E.S.E.P.), he attended the Faculty of Fine Arts of Lisbon and has a Master’s degree in Sociology from the University of Évora. He has curated Biennials and several exhibitions by other Portuguese artists, in various spaces in the city of Estremoz and other places in the Alentejo. Founder of the IP2N4-art movement and the IP2N4-ART association of Alentejo artists, of the ARTMOZ cultural association, of which he is president, and Founder and Artistic Director of BIALE – Bienal Internacional do Alentejo. Nominated, in 2023, by the magazine Mais Alentejo for the Annual Award in Alentejo, in the Mais Arte e Fotografia category. Carlos has had more than two hundred collective and individual exhibitions, both in Portugal and abroad.

Pedro Jaime Vasconcelos image
Pedro Jaime Vasconcelos
Pedro Jaime Vasconcelos image

Pedro Jaime Vasconcelos

Student at “António Arroio” in the 70s. Co-creator of “Atelier Livre”, author of several exhibitions at that school.

Works selected for Lis81, an exhibition that burned down.

He lived and collected antiquities in the former Zaire. Collector, specifications of the first themed auction of African art at Leiloeiros de Silva in 1990. Collaborated at Galeria Valentim de Carvalho and Galeria Moira.

He was a film producer, and, in multimedia, he was co-founder in 1992 of “IMAGinE+”. Information Technology Consultant for RTP and RDP in the early years of the Web. At Expo98, he produced four CD-ROMs, one of which was awarded. He managed the Blind Zero CD-Extra for Valentim de Carvalho. He adapted the “Hugo” CD-ROMs for Costa do Castelo, Filmes into Portuguese. He managed ParaRede’s interactive television team.

After 2002, he left Timor where he collected information for his book, which would later be the theme of the exhibition he curated, “Weapons and Artefacts of Timor”, and then organized the conference “Heaven and Earth” at the Center Culture of Belém.

He wrote for Público, Independente, Casa Cláudia and Artes & Leilões, among others. He was the author of three novels.

He produced interactive exhibitions at Humberto Delgado Airport in Lisbon and Cristiano Ronaldo Airport in Madeira.

He collaborated with the Manufactura de Tapeçarias de Portalegre, between 2017 and 2022, having curated three exhibitions. He edited Cruzeiro Seixas’ last sculpture in bronze. He created a collection of PJV-MTP silk sheets, inspired by tapestries. It started with Siza Vieira, a luxury box project, in partnership with Maria João Bahia.

He has lived in Spain since 2023, where he organizes a new art project with Spanish and Portuguese artists, taking care of the Iberian cultural exchange for the biennium 2024 to 2025.

He manages his art gallery and regularly participates in the Lisbon Art and Antiques Fair.

Hugo Alexandre Nunes Guerreiro image
Hugo Alexandre Nunes Guerreiro
Hugo Alexandre Nunes Guerreiro image

Hugo Alexandre Nunes Guerreiro

Hugo Alexandre Nunes Guerreiro, born in Évora (1975), has a degree in History and Cultural Heritage and is currently a PhD student in History. Head of the Educational and Sports Socio-Cultural Development Division (2020) at Estremoz City Council.

He spent 18 years as Coordinator of the Museums Sector of the Estremoz City Council (2002-2020), where he led historical research projects within the scope of the municipality’s museum collections and dealt with the museographic and museological definition of visitable reserves, museums (central and museum nucleus) and currently an interpretive center and research, conservation and restoration laboratory (partnership with the Centro Hércules of the University of Évora). Since 2012, he has also been working on projects in the field of valuing and safeguarding material and immaterial cultural heritage, particularly in the area of pastoral art, regional Alentejo pottery and clay figures from Estremoz.

He was technically responsible for the application for inscription on the UNESCO Representative List of Cultural Heritage of Humanity for the Production of Figurado no Barro de Estremoz, which he successfully completed in 2017.

Since 2020, he has been coordinating the registration process in the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage (Urgent Safeguard) of Redondo Pottery Decoration Techniques (awaiting registration).

Since 2024, it has been coordinating the registration process of the National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Production and Decoration Techniques of the Pottery of S. Pedro do Corval.

He is currently director of the Berardo Estremoz Museum and UNESCO Center for the Valorization and Safeguarding of the Estremoz Doll.

Supported by

Sponsor Website Shape-6 (2)
Sponsor Website Shape-6 (1)

How To Participate



Participating students must be nominated by their teacher. Teachers can nominate up to 5 students to enter. Upon entry, students will be asked to enter the name of their nominating teacher.

Click here for T&Cs.



Artwork Submission

Nominated students can submit up to three artworks online before the submission deadline. Please follow the entry instructions in the T&Cs.

Our panel of judges will then select 30 student artists for the shortlist.


The Prizes

The Judges Prize of €500 is awarded to the student artist with the highest score from the judges. €1,500 is awarded to the school of the Judges Prize winner.

The Public Vote Prize of €300 is awarded to the student artist with the most votes from the public. €800 is awarded to the school of the Public Vote Prize Winner.

Prize Winners and Previous Finalists


Prize Winners and Previous Finalists arrow
Judges Prize Winner
Sara Teixeira
Sara Teixeira art
Public Vote Prize Winner
Lydia Reis
Lydia Reis  art


Prize Winners and Previous Finalists arrow
Judges Prize Winner
Diogo Aires Silva Moreira
Diogo Aires Silva Moreira art
Public Vote Prize Winner
Sara Costa Pereira Teixeira
Sara Costa Pereira Teixeira art


Prize Winners and Previous Finalists arrow
Judges Prize Winner
Razvan Olalau
Razvan Olalau art
Public Vote Prize Winner
André Tavares Varandas
André Tavares Varandas art