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The Human Puppet

Auction Expired

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  • All bids are in Euros, if successful your winning bid will be converted to local currency for payment
  • Proceeds from all sales are split 50:50 between the artist and The Foundation
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  • Following the close of the auction the successful bidder will be contacted by a member of the SAF team to arrange payment and delivery

Item condition: New

Auction Expired because there were no bids


What makes a face beautiful? Is it the eyes, the lips, the nose or simply a combination of these features? When you choose what parts of your face to cover and what parts to reveal to the world; You decide your beauty. However, what happens when someone else wants to see the real you? They rip and tear apart these coverings – these parts of you and they thrust them into the world. They break apart your unnatural, yet beautiful symmetry. What happens when all that?s left is? You? The real, natural you, hanging by a thread of your puppet master?s making, with your grotesqueness finally visible for all to see